
Showing posts from October, 2016

Relationships of Fire

Fuel supports Fire While she keeps on consuming it Dying out when Fuel exhausts Ah! what a strange relationship! Naive, defenseless Fuel keeps on burning Not knowing why and illuminating what Unless it itself is Fire Consuming it's own lot! What a strange relationship the two of them share! Yet it isn't an odd pair... Burning to keep warm and have light Is all so fair Only the untamed Fire is cursed That brings a ruin which no one nursed The one that cooks, keeps warm and brings light Is the Fire that's every home's delight! The Fires that burn wastes and corpses to ashes Though useful; to homes they have no passes As they remind of mortality and  perishable solidity But the wise keep it close as it casts off insecurity Close to it they live in moments that are perishable as Life Reminding of the transient nature of strife Such a fire restores purity to the ever-changing Earth A purity that all elements come with at their birth Fire never h...

Why, How, Who and Now

When you know Why You shall know How The clarity of purpose And the value of Now Shall bring you closer  To the One that you are And you shall hold Eternity In the minutes of an hour!

The Empty Vessel

Discard not the empty vessel It holds more than you can see Do not rush to fill it up Let it stir your creativity

Take Me As I am

What you give is always less than who you are What you do is always more than who you are Should I settle for more or less versions of you Or take you just as who you are!

Is the Dream of Life Optional or Inevitable?

Is the Dream of Life Optional or Inevitable? To know more click here

You are a vehicle

You are a vehicle That the passengers drive To the passenger's destination you cover the miles Your maintenance is upto the one who drives The make of your engine determines on how much fuel you'll thrive Simply be there and Let them drive...

Travel to stay home

The one who is the spirit Holds the abode of body When the spirit departs The body falls off Keep up the spirit To upkeep the body And let it travel To stay home

Om Agni Namaha

They had been married for over twenty years and in all these years, Mr and Mrs Sharma visited the temple as a daily ritual and lit an oil diya (lamp with a wick) to invoke light into darkness. As a symbol of the advent of wisdom, temples usually have diyas lit in them. Mr Sharma believed there was a certain mystical quality to the light of the flame of a diya that cannot be substituted by electrical lights. The light of the flame he believed, has a certain degree of aliveness to it, which is absent in the electrical lights trapped in a glass dome or tube. Perhaps, the freedom of the flame and its direct facade of the Fire element (Agni) in a well-behaved manner made it so unique for this couple. They even took their wedding vows with the sacred fire as a witness, which is a common custom in India, and he worshiped Agni ever since then. His neighbour, Daya who lived in the house next to theirs, was not a ritualistic person, but somehow was enchanted whenever he saw Mr Sharma pe...

Duty and Love

Life brings us to some difficult crossroads at times, some difficult choices to make, when what seems right in one plane seems not so in another, but then we all find the way. This is a story of two friends who were soldiers in opposing armies. They once had to fight in war against each other. As each of them fought for his country, it was not known to them that it was their last battle together.  While looking through the objective lens of the rifle-scope as he shot the enemy soldier, who now stumbled after he was shot in the chest, Kay suddenly felt that the face of the soldier on the other side was familiar. He looked again through the rifle-scope to have a closer look at his face. It was his dear friend, Bill. He had shot a bullet at his dear friend! He knew if he would cross over to the other side to save him, he would be showered with bullets. Nevertheless, he rushed to save his friend, amidst the bullets raining from either side. There was a strong impulse to save Bil...