In the heart of Mount Crimson, where volcanic rivers flowed like molten rubies, the warm world of Dragon Land basked in the glow of fire-breathing dragons. Every dragon, from the hatchlings to the elders, could unleash a fiery torrent, except for Ember, the prince. Though his scales shimmered with the same regal sheen as his kin, Ember's attempts at fire resulted in wispy smoke rings and sputters. His parents, the King and Queen, were consumed by worry. In Dragon Land, fire wasn't just a weapon; it was the bedrock of their society, the symbol of their power and pride. How could a dragon who couldn't breathe fire rule a kingdom built on flames? They bombarded Ember with spicy foods, fiery potions, and even hired Master Dragon Ashmore, renowned for his fire-breathing techniques. But Ember remained a sparkless ember, with frustration gnawing at him with each failed attempt. Finally, he was sent to the Molten Rock Academy, with the hope that peer pressure ...