Uncle Vijay was the magical figure who transformed their ordinary lives with his thoughtful gifts. Each year he would bring them gifts, meticulously and thoughtfully chosen, keeping in mind their likes, talents and needs. Whether it was art supplies, books, or toys, his gifts were always a delightful surprise.
Uncle Vijay had no children of his own. Visiting the orphanage and showering his affection on these orphaned children brought him immense joy. He saw in them the innocence and potential that he yearned to nurture. Every Christmas, he dressed up as Santa Claus, bringing joy and hope to their lives.
As the clock struck five in the evening, the children rushed to the gate. Soon they could see Uncle Vijay's olive coloured jeep, rumbling down the road. They had come to associate this vehicle with hope and love. As the jeep came to a halt at the gate and Uncle Vijay stepped out, they swarmed around him, and greeted him with a delightful chorus of voices, "Uncle Vijay is here!" and jumped with joy.
Vijay embraced each child with his warm smile, making them feel cherished and valued. He pulled out a bag filled with colorful packages.
"Guess what I've got for you this year!"
The children looked at the gifts curiously, eagerly waiting for their turn to receive. No sooner did they receive their gifts they started unwrapping them. Their eyes sparkled with delight seeing their new gifts. “O! Wow, a watercolour set” Renu exclaimed, while Minnie delightfully unwrapped a box of colorful crayons. Deepak's fingers danced with joy as he unboxed a set of oil pastels, and Tanya's face lit up with a collection of pencil colours. Raja looked at his sketch-pen set with joy and Nima was thrilled to discover a box of acrylic paints as her gift.
Sister Nirmala, the kind-hearted caretaker of the orphanage, watched the children's joy with a warm smile. "Children, say thank you to Uncle."
The children, radiating enthusiasm, echoed together, “Thank you Uncle.”
While sister Nirmala served tea and cup-cakes to Uncle Vijay, they gathered around a large table and began to sketch and paint. They created a beautiful thank-you card for him and added heartfelt messages, expressing their appreciation for his love and support.
When the children presented the card to Uncle Vijay, his eyes moistened and his heart overflowed with love as he spoke to them, “I had brought only colours for you, but you transformed them into colours of love.”
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